Reflections — My first Rails Application

What a journey! Rails has been quite the framework that has put me on some challenging roads however I am grateful for all that I have learnt and applied.
As with every project/app, I begin with what purposeful application I would like to build. I wanted to create an application that allows users to sign up, add their inspirational/spiritual books to their profile and finally add their reflective thoughts on these books.
Which models and attributes do I need then? Simple: User, Books & Reflections.
A user would have many books, many reflections and many “reflected” books through reflections.
has_many :owned_books, foreign_key: :owner_user_id, class_name: "Book"
has_many :reflections, foreign_key: :reflection_user_id
has_many :reflection_books, through: :reflections
A books would belong to a user, have many reflections and many “reflection” users through reflections. I also included a has_one_attached :image
in order to upload a book cover image for each book.
has_one_attached :image
has_many :reflections, foreign_key: :reflection_book_id
has_many :reflection_users, through: :reflections
belongs_to :owner_user, class_name: "User", optional: true
A reflection would belong to both a user and a book.
belongs_to :reflection_user, class_name: "User"
belongs_to :reflection_book, class_name: "Book"
After creating the database and association models, I moved onto the routes that are required and then I worked on my controllers. Working on the controller methods, I saw a lot of repetition and we all know the drill…DRY! So, I either created before action methods under private
and helper methods in my application_controller.rb
For example, in my User controller:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_user, only: [:show, :edit, :settings, :destroy] ...
private def set_user
@user = User.find(params[:id])
end def access_self
if @user = current_user
end def user_params
params.require(:user).permit(:username, :password, :email)
I had to deal a lot with form_for
which is a brillant helper to create forms requiring models. Form_for
is pretty neat when dealing with validation errors as you can simply call the instance variable with .errors
to get standard error messages. Apart from form_for
, I also saw many button_to
helpers across my application. DRY, DRY, you guessed it…DRY!
I had to find a way to clean up my app and so used partials to help me access embedded ruby code across my erb files and create helper methods, where necessary.
I must admit, that the scope method took a lot of thinking power as I seemed to over complicate what I was trying to achieve. My aim was to join the reflections
table with my users
> access every user
that has at least one reflection
> show the user
’s in descending order from the time they were created > show the particular user
with the book
that they just reflected on. Well…yeah 🙃 So instead I did:
scope :with_reflections, ->{ joins(:reflections).order(created_at: :DESC) }
Which does everything I wanted except for showing the particular user
with the book
that they just reflected on. I can live with that, not too bad. 😁
I love the idea of nested routes and objects. What a brilliant way of associating objects smoothly. First step: create the nested routes:
(In my case)
resources :books do
resources :reflections, only: [:new, :edit, :show]
Next, using build
within my controller to associate the reflection
with the book
@reflection =
Then, seeing the lovely URL e.g.,
I saw many similarities with Sinatra and at times, I was extremely lost when hands on with the project but what a great way to learn hey — being stuck and tackling through it! I’m looking forward to the next project and creating other rail web applications! 💻